Wednesday, December 30, 2009

See you next year

Thought I should drop a quick post to wish everyone happy holidays and happy new year! I've been riding 7 times so far this season, which is kinda pitiful compared to last year but I think 2010 has a lot up its sleeve, and hopefully we get to see that forecasted foot of snow on new years day! Unfortunatly I've been unable to hit up the Whale, but one of these days I'll get a day off and that day will be spent partaking in my blog's name sake. Until then, I'll just have to make due with Killi.

xoxo Morgan

Friday, November 27, 2009

How could I forget...

that 80's Party!

Mike Steele with his street contact.

This is the last known photo of Mike Steele before he was abducted.

Great end to the night

Monday, November 9, 2009

How to mop a floor and other advice

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote! I have absolutely no concept of time, that's one of the many reasons that living on Maui messed with my head. At least in Vermont the seasons change and you get slapped in the face by how quickly time is passing. On a tropical island it's verrrry easy to forget what month it is, unless there's a holiday or birthday involved.

Mannnny interesting things happened this past month and a half... Whaleback hosted a Halloween party that got pretty wild. I got to be the beer wench, or beer Devil I suppose if you want to stick to the theme of my costume. Halloween and Thanksgiving actually tie for my favorite holiday (so obvi, I'm in bliss at the moment) so I was extremely amused by all the costumes, and now I can honestly say that I've been hit on by cavemen. As with any wild party, the clean up was a little hairy but many hands make light work, especially when John gives mopping lessons.

November has provided me with several bouquets of flowers, thank goodness, because this month I've needed an unusual amount of cheering-up. (Boys, it's always a good idea to get your girlfriend flowers.) The red and orange bouquet on the the right is from John, "sending flowers like a boss." The lilies on the left were an apology present which turned into a severance gift. Although I was very tempted to toss them, I resisted, it wasn't the flower's fault their purchaser acted like a dumb ass. Oh, and the third bouquet is a dozen roses I received today! I love, love! Bring it on!

The following picture has no reflection about how I feel about Whaleback, I just thought the placement was genius. And I have to say, that bar toilet is remarkably clean for the end of Halloween night.

In closing, I'd like to ask everyone reading this to take a moment out of your day and PRAY FOR SNOW!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stewed, Screwed, and Tattooed

It's been a busy and exciting week so far for me, but what week isn't busy and exciting for me nowadays? I finally finished those time tables for John and I guess he has a pile of more work for me to get my hands on, and a date at Bentleys for a Photoshop tutorial. I'm discovering that a little beer helps to lubricate my web design! I also heard back from Killington and the re-hire orientation is November 7th! BRING IT!!! Speaking of Killy, they had snow on their peak all day! I tried to snap a pic with my celly on the drive home from the "real" job...

It's realllly hard to tell so I circled the snow covered peak for you :)

And to top off an amazing hump day (though not totally amazing as I didn't get to literally celebrate today's name-sake), I got another tattoo with my BFF and roomy!

A peach is just a peach, a plum is just a plum....


Sunday, October 11, 2009

OMG it's getting down to 29 tonight!

As I sit in my living room typing this I keep eyeing the weather forecast on my Firefox toolbar. 29 degrees tonight! WOW. Like I said before, I looove to whine, and this change in temps is perfect fodder for my lamenting. For serious, it's f-ing freezing out! Don't get me wrong, I love winter to the point where it's pretty much my favorite season. But there's something about Autumn, not wanting to put away the strappy tanks, mini skirts and flip flops, that gets me whining about beingggg soooo collllllddddd...... I actually turned the heat on in my apartment for the first time last night. Yeah and then I walked to the bar to break in my new high heels, not a good idea. Oh but with the cold comes the snow and I say "Bring it on baby!!!" Once I get used to the temperature I'm all good, especially when the snow is falling and the slopes are calling.

So my uber amazing boss at Whaleback (you like the shameless ass kissing John?) made it over to my neck of the woods to camp at Bomo over the weekend and bought me a beer after work (my "real" job) today. I totally had plans to come straight home and work on website updates but noooo he made me go have a beer instead, but don't worry, it was totally on the clock and by "on the clock" I mean that John bought me the beer.

Now that I'm home I had every intention of working on those time tables for John but (here comes a list of excuses) left-over Chinese food, my boyfriends chocolate chip cookies, my roommates makeup tutorial on YouTube, Facebook, tv, the dropping temps, shower, and sleep kinda distracted me. Sorry John! If my other boss isn't in the office tomorrow I can get some more work done. I just figured a blog post would be easier than finagling camp schedules right now, because you know, I have a lot of distractions right now and I really want to give it my full attention.


ps. It snowed at Jay Peak today and Rut-Vegas is supposed to get snow on Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Those of you who know me, know the crazy schedule I've been rocking lately. But I must confess, I love it. Somehow I manage to cram enough socializing into my work and school schedule to keep me sane so it works. Although I wish I had more time in general to give my current "in the works" projects the time they deserve. Lately my free lance website work gets done on the clock at my part time job (shhh) or at the laundry mat during the spin cycle. Thank god for free wifi.

And I just moved too, to the ghetto! But let's be honest, most of Rutland could be considered the ghetto. Hey, I love it though. It's a sweet 3rd floor pad so I figure if anyone robs the place they'll probably be too lazy to hoof it all the way up to my apt. The only thing I really have to worry about is the crack head downstairs jacking my parking spot.

One of my side projects, helping John at Whaleback with various misc tasks on the website, is slow and steady which actually fits into my schedule nicely. He emails me something he wants me to do and I can usually get it done within a week. His latest request was for me to design a banner ad for the upcoming pass holder appreciation BBQ on September 27th, which also happens to be my birthday (BALLIN!). Although I've always been artistic I haven't had much experience with computer graphic design per say, unlike my amazing talented sister at

So while jacking my neighbor's wireless, sitting in my car as close to their driveway as I could without drawing too much attention, I hastily downloaded a 30 day free trial of Illustrator. And then I tried to use it without knowing anything about the program. Ok, yeah, no. I spent about 45 minutes while my computer battery slowly drained, trying to crop and drag and insert text. Not happening. Why couldn't it be simple? I'm good with computers, I know more than the average Betty. But apparently not the case with Ill-ustrator. So I ended up stealing a Whaleback party pic off John's Facebook, cropping it, and adding text all on Picasa, which only took me about 5 minutes. Of course he didn't use it, but at least I was able to turn in something and still make it to the movies on time.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Play on Playa

One of the the many things I love about snowboarding is how it brings people together. It's another common link a lot of people share, people that are so different from each other in many other ways, when they get on the snow together all those differences melt away and all that's left is the mountain.

Last winter was my best season yet, so epic! Besides the fact that the snow was killer, I got to shred with some amazing riders. We would hit the slopes in a pack and (nicely) take over which ever line we decided to take. I rode with my ladies, with the bros, with my bosses at Killington, and with students in my classes. And I learned something new every time. But I also went snowboarding with some people who top my list of least favorite people EVER. But you know what, as soon as we strapped on our boards and headed down the mountain we finally had one thing in common: our love for snowboarding. I thank god I can say at least one nice thing about those people, because if it wasn't for snowboarding linking us together.... well, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Monday, August 31, 2009

66 degrees

August is saying goodbye with a chilly 66 degree day and I couldn't be happier. For one, I get to rock a cute new long sleeved shirt I've been dying to wear, but really I'm stoked on the upcoming snowboarding season! Yes, I know, I've got a few more months to wait before I can get in any shredding, but I can still be wicked excited! But just because I'm wicked excited doesn't mean you won't hear me whining a little about the cold. Come on! The transition between seasons can be slightly difficult, and I just can't wait for the snow to start falling! I also have some super seks new outerwear my super awesome sissy poo hooked me up with too. She's the when it comes to kicking me down all the crazy free samples she gets. But I'm still in need of some new gloves *hint hint*

So I want to thank John over at Whaleback Mountain for hooking me up with a sweet intern position in the marketing department! Yet another reason why I am gearing up for the winter a little early. So go over to to check out all the exciting things they got going on. And here's the direct link to the page I did for them.

I pretty much learned how to snowboard at the Whale, took my first 3 hour run there (yes, it was torture), and slowly perfected my carving skills to make them what they are today. Yes, I've riden other hills and mountains all over the country, but nothing compares to your home mountain. Whaleback will always have a special place in my heart. I have made some amazing memories at the Whale and can't wait to make more this winter!


ps. Those seksi beotches in that picture are me and my sister in case you were wondering. Yes, that's me trying to be a thug. But come on, that's a sweet ass board, thanks again to my sissy poo, Ride Verona 154. That pic was taken a few springs ago, we rocked it! Her hubby likes to jib the Duff can.