Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Play on Playa

One of the the many things I love about snowboarding is how it brings people together. It's another common link a lot of people share, people that are so different from each other in many other ways, when they get on the snow together all those differences melt away and all that's left is the mountain.

Last winter was my best season yet, so epic! Besides the fact that the snow was killer, I got to shred with some amazing riders. We would hit the slopes in a pack and (nicely) take over which ever line we decided to take. I rode with my ladies, with the bros, with my bosses at Killington, and with students in my classes. And I learned something new every time. But I also went snowboarding with some people who top my list of least favorite people EVER. But you know what, as soon as we strapped on our boards and headed down the mountain we finally had one thing in common: our love for snowboarding. I thank god I can say at least one nice thing about those people, because if it wasn't for snowboarding linking us together.... well, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
