Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stewed, Screwed, and Tattooed

It's been a busy and exciting week so far for me, but what week isn't busy and exciting for me nowadays? I finally finished those time tables for John and I guess he has a pile of more work for me to get my hands on, and a date at Bentleys for a Photoshop tutorial. I'm discovering that a little beer helps to lubricate my web design! I also heard back from Killington and the re-hire orientation is November 7th! BRING IT!!! Speaking of Killy, they had snow on their peak all day! I tried to snap a pic with my celly on the drive home from the "real" job...

It's realllly hard to tell so I circled the snow covered peak for you :)

And to top off an amazing hump day (though not totally amazing as I didn't get to literally celebrate today's name-sake), I got another tattoo with my BFF and roomy!

A peach is just a peach, a plum is just a plum....


Sunday, October 11, 2009

OMG it's getting down to 29 tonight!

As I sit in my living room typing this I keep eyeing the weather forecast on my Firefox toolbar. 29 degrees tonight! WOW. Like I said before, I looove to whine, and this change in temps is perfect fodder for my lamenting. For serious, it's f-ing freezing out! Don't get me wrong, I love winter to the point where it's pretty much my favorite season. But there's something about Autumn, not wanting to put away the strappy tanks, mini skirts and flip flops, that gets me whining about beingggg soooo collllllddddd...... I actually turned the heat on in my apartment for the first time last night. Yeah and then I walked to the bar to break in my new high heels, not a good idea. Oh but with the cold comes the snow and I say "Bring it on baby!!!" Once I get used to the temperature I'm all good, especially when the snow is falling and the slopes are calling.

So my uber amazing boss at Whaleback (you like the shameless ass kissing John?) made it over to my neck of the woods to camp at Bomo over the weekend and bought me a beer after work (my "real" job) today. I totally had plans to come straight home and work on website updates but noooo he made me go have a beer instead, but don't worry, it was totally on the clock and by "on the clock" I mean that John bought me the beer.

Now that I'm home I had every intention of working on those time tables for John but (here comes a list of excuses) left-over Chinese food, my boyfriends chocolate chip cookies, my roommates makeup tutorial on YouTube, Facebook, tv, the dropping temps, shower, and sleep kinda distracted me. Sorry John! If my other boss isn't in the office tomorrow I can get some more work done. I just figured a blog post would be easier than finagling camp schedules right now, because you know, I have a lot of distractions right now and I really want to give it my full attention.


ps. It snowed at Jay Peak today and Rut-Vegas is supposed to get snow on Tuesday!