Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stewed, Screwed, and Tattooed

It's been a busy and exciting week so far for me, but what week isn't busy and exciting for me nowadays? I finally finished those time tables for John and I guess he has a pile of more work for me to get my hands on, and a date at Bentleys for a Photoshop tutorial. I'm discovering that a little beer helps to lubricate my web design! I also heard back from Killington and the re-hire orientation is November 7th! BRING IT!!! Speaking of Killy, they had snow on their peak all day! I tried to snap a pic with my celly on the drive home from the "real" job...

It's realllly hard to tell so I circled the snow covered peak for you :)

And to top off an amazing hump day (though not totally amazing as I didn't get to literally celebrate today's name-sake), I got another tattoo with my BFF and roomy!

A peach is just a peach, a plum is just a plum....
