Monday, November 9, 2009

How to mop a floor and other advice

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote! I have absolutely no concept of time, that's one of the many reasons that living on Maui messed with my head. At least in Vermont the seasons change and you get slapped in the face by how quickly time is passing. On a tropical island it's verrrry easy to forget what month it is, unless there's a holiday or birthday involved.

Mannnny interesting things happened this past month and a half... Whaleback hosted a Halloween party that got pretty wild. I got to be the beer wench, or beer Devil I suppose if you want to stick to the theme of my costume. Halloween and Thanksgiving actually tie for my favorite holiday (so obvi, I'm in bliss at the moment) so I was extremely amused by all the costumes, and now I can honestly say that I've been hit on by cavemen. As with any wild party, the clean up was a little hairy but many hands make light work, especially when John gives mopping lessons.

November has provided me with several bouquets of flowers, thank goodness, because this month I've needed an unusual amount of cheering-up. (Boys, it's always a good idea to get your girlfriend flowers.) The red and orange bouquet on the the right is from John, "sending flowers like a boss." The lilies on the left were an apology present which turned into a severance gift. Although I was very tempted to toss them, I resisted, it wasn't the flower's fault their purchaser acted like a dumb ass. Oh, and the third bouquet is a dozen roses I received today! I love, love! Bring it on!

The following picture has no reflection about how I feel about Whaleback, I just thought the placement was genius. And I have to say, that bar toilet is remarkably clean for the end of Halloween night.

In closing, I'd like to ask everyone reading this to take a moment out of your day and PRAY FOR SNOW!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.